Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here are some more pictures of Little Reagan. She is doing very well and is as cute as anything!

She is already for Halloween

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reagan Has Arrived!

Here are some pictures of little Reagan, she is now a day old!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Prophets in the Land Again

Prophets in the Land Again

Here is talk from a General Confernce about General Confernce. It is one of my favorites given.

Things are going very well in the Tanner household. Heather is doing well with the baby and is looking forward very much to graduation in three short weeks. Rexburg is finally getting warm, and that adds to the fun for Heather and the baby. For someone who is usually cold, she is learning to adjust to the warmth with her extra passenger.

I got a new calling recently in the church, I am now the second counselor to Bishop Hyde in the campus ward I used to serve in. It will be a great learning experience and has been very exciting already. Heather is serving in our family ward as the bulletin coordinator and a visiting teaching supervisor, which keeps her busy.

Also, here is a picture of Heather in all her pregnant beauty, she has 13 more weeks till the baby is due, and we can't wait!



Some of the Best words ever spoken.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Baby Times

Here is the latest picture of little Reagan, she will be joining us soon.

Wedding Open House

Everyone having a grand old time in North Hollywood!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Times

Little Reagan should be joining us in October!